4695 S Monaco Pkwy | Denver, CO 80224
877-457-STUDIO | info@anotherBiGproduction.com
Copyright © 2010 Another Big Production, LLC. All Rights Reserved

How to Advertise Successfully
~ Create a budget and stick to it.
~ Don't spend all of your advertising budget on one
~ Run each campaign for a week or two and then
analyze the results.
~ Spread your advertisements over all effective
~ Choose mediums that deliver the biggest return on
the smallest investment.
~ Research competitors ads and then do a better job.
~ Test each advertisement you produce.
~ Write all copy in a conversational style. Some
suggest at an 8th grade level.
~ Understand that your copy is the single most
important part of your ads.
~ Spend an effecient amount of time and resources
on developing effective copy and/or concepts.
~ Have commercials produced professionally. Using a production company allows you to choose every
element in your ads. This assures you that your airtime is used in a way that you are satisfied with.
Get production information at our What We Do page.
~ Using an experienced media buyer helps you maximize your advertising investment. Media buyers have endless resources helping them to know when and where to place ads to target specific demographics.
See our Media Buying page for more information.
Digital Marketing Solutions