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4695 S Monaco Pkwy | Denver, CO 80224
877-457-STUDIO | info@anotherBiGproduction.com
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Media Buying
"Radio reaches more than 90% of people 12 and older weekly. Radio has a higher penetration than television, magazines, newspapers or the internet. Radio reaches more than 236 million persons aged 12 and older over the course of a typical week."
- Compiled from Arbitron's "Radio Today 2009" report and the NAB.
Purchasing airtime or adspace takes understanding the advertising industry and the habits of target demographics.
Media buyers research station formats, price rates, demographics and psychographics; dividing potential consumers into groups according to their psychological characteristics, values, lifestyles and opinions.
Media buyers also spend an inordinate amount of time sending emails, faxes, making phone calls and meeting with sales departments of media outlets as well as ensuring that ads are airing correctly.
Get Your Ads On the Air

Who Needs a Media Buyer?
To advertise on one radio station:
~ Contact the station sales department
~ Obtain specific daypart and demographic ratings
~ Negotiate pricing
~ Coordinate sale
~ Make payment(s)
~ If necessary, follow up to ensure ads are running
Sound difficult? It's not.
Now duplicate the process over 100's of radio and tv stations, magazines, newspapers, websites and any other appropriate medium a company may use.
Sound difficult now? It definitely is.
Media buyers also know which forms of advertising are most effective for specific consumers based on
enormous amounts of research.
Another BiG Production is one of very few agencies to offer "Small Budget Media Buying."
Get Started or Contact Us
Small Budget Media Buying
Media buyers will often not work with budgets less than $10,000.
Another BiG production works with budgets from $3,000 to $10,000.
Rate: 6% of Budget (ie., $5,000 budget = $300)
Contact us for more information on what we can do for you.
Or see our Where to Advertise page for "Do It Yourself" info.
Large Budget Media Buying
Advertising budgets over $10,000 are generally charged a percentage rate based on the total dollar amount to be spent.
For large budgets, Another BiG Production recommends Corinthian Media.