4695 S Monaco Pkwy | Denver, CO 80224
877-457-STUDIO | info@anotherBiGproduction.com
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Where to Advertise
Advertising in the right spots at the right times will greatly determine the success of any advertising campaign.
There is no one advertising solution that works for everyone. But it helps to know the options:
Radio Stations - To find radio stations, their websites and sales information, go to the AllAccess ratings section. A free login is required, but once logged in you
can find current 12+ ratings for each market. Station call letters, formats and market share are listed in order from 1st to last.
Simply click on the call letters to be taken to their website and from there you can find information for their sales departments.
Television Stations - To find television stations, their websites and/or sales contact information, StationIndex.com is an excellent resource for most markets. Find television stations sorted by state, owner or network - http://www.stationindex.com/tv/by-state
Magazines and Newspapers - Contact the sales staff for pricing information. Some will have pricing already listed on their site. Some of the most read publications are People, Money, Men's Health, Cosmopolitan, Sports Illustrated, Time, TV Guide, Reader's Digest, Ladies Home Journal, Maxim, Parenting, Seventeen, Newsweek, Playboy and many more!
Outdoor Marketing - Clear Channel Outdoor continues to be the leader in outdoor advertising worldwide. Their technological
advances surpass their competition without question. Their billboards and digital outdoor networks can be found in airports, on
public transportation, malls, mobile billboards, news racks, taxi's, wallscapes and more. Visit the Clear Channel Outdoor website
to get more information on all that they offer.
Paid Internet - There are endless options for advertising online. Google Adwords and Yahoo Search will populate your ad when a consumer inputs keywords chosen by you. Pay only when your ad is clicked. This is probably the easiest and most effective method of paid internet advertising because your potential customers were already looking for your product or service when they found you. In addition to search engine advertising, you can also pay for advertisements on just about any website. Simply scroll
to the bottom of each site and you'll usually find an "advertise with us" link, or something relatable.
Everywhere else - Advertising opportunites are everywhere. Oftentimes, simply asking for product placement or some sort of trade situation will bring about new opportunities. It never hurts to ask. Some of the newest forms of advertising are odd, but yet prove that anything is possible. Airline tray tables, golf cart hubcaps and even police cars are now accepting sponsors. As municipalities seek ways to boost revenue without hitting up the taxpayer, the options for advertising are now endless. Got a new sports drink? Talk to management at local gyms. Offer free product in return for placement of flyers, business cards or posters. Anything is possible. Get creative and confident and then just ask.
Media Buyers - Media buyers can do most of this work for you. Visit our Media Buying page for more information.
Digital Marketing Solutions