4695 S Monaco Pkwy | Denver, CO 80224
877-457-STUDIO | info@anotherBiGproduction.com
Copyright © 2010 Another Big Production, LLC. All Rights Reserved

Cost to Advertise
Small Budget (Under $10,000)
Advertising with less than $10,000 can get ads on television, radio, in magazines, on websites, flyers and/or outdoor billboards.
Go to our Media Buying page for help on purchasing media.
Large Budget (Above $10,000)
Media buyers focus on how best to spend your advertising dollar based on the lifestyle behaviors of your target demographic and budget. Media buyers rates are usually a percentage.
For large budget media buying, visit our Media Buying page.
Cost of Broadcast Airtime
The cost of airtime depends on the following:
~ Market size
~ Target Demographic
~ Time of year
~ Station Ratings
~ Time of day
~ Total amount of time purchased
~ Type of ad (:30, :60, Endorsement, Remote, etc.)
For Example:
Radio :60 #1 Market - $300 to $1000/unit +/-
*Actual cost depends on variables listed above.
Radio :60 #318 Market - $5 to $50/unit +/-
*There are 318 rated markets as of April 2010.
National Radio :30 - $25k to $30k per week
*Targeting Males, Ages 25-44
National TV :30 - $50,000 per week
*Targeting Males, Ages 25-44
National advertisers often use a Media Buyer for help.
For more information see our Media Buying page.
Or find stations through our Where to Advertise page.
Cost of Magazine or Print Advertising
Pricing for magazine, newspaper and website ad space can usually be found on their websites.
Prices range from $200 per month to $3,000 or more for 100k impressions.
See our Media Buying page for help on purchasing adspace.
For logo and print ad design pricing see our Logo Design page.
Advertising costs range from free to infinite.
Companies looking to advertise usually establish a budget and work from that.
Be sure to budget for airtime, adspace, production, copywriting and a media buyer.
See below for budget specific information:
Digital Marketing Solutions