Digital Marketing Solutions
4695 S Monaco Pkwy | Denver, CO 80224
877-457-STUDIO | info@anotherBiGproduction.com
© 2010 Another Big Production, LLC. All Rights Reserved. "Your Creative Team at Work" is a registered trademark of Another Big Production, LLC.


We Have Your Words
Copywriting is one of those skills that sounds easier than it is. Sure, anyone can rattle off a laundry list of items and prices; but can they make it compelling?
Our Copywriter Can! Check out Copywriting Samples!
We’ve teamed up with Jenn Wilson; an experienced copywriter with a background in marketing, a degree in Public Relations and a blackbelt in wordsmithing.
Jenn has the ability to bring you the creative commercial copy your business deserves.
How It Works
~ Email Jenn letting her know what you need.
~ She'll ask some basic questions about your business.
~ You give her the answers.
~ She'll send you a script.
~ You tell her if you like it.
~ She'll send you any revisions you ask for.
~ You give final approval and get your spot produced.
That's It! Just 7 Steps Between You and a Compelling Spot!
Send an Email to Jenn to Get Started Now!
Rates (All Are Negotiable)
Radio :15 - $35.00
Radio :30 - $60.00
Radio :60 - $75.00
Corporate Video :30 to :60 - $125.00
Corporate Video :60 to :120 - $175.00
**Price Includes One Free Revision
**Subsequent Revisions May Require Additonal Fee