Digital Marketing Solutions
4695 S Monaco Pkwy | Denver, CO 80224
877-457-STUDIO | info@anotherBiGproduction.com
Copyright © 2010 Another Big Production, LLC. All Rights Reserved

Working with Voice Actors:
We did a national search for voice talent that brought about nearly 1,000 demos.
From that, came an excellent selection of voices to fit nearly every project and budget.
~ Within our database of voice talent you'll find children, characters,
deep, mature, young, imaging, promo, bilingual talent and more!
~ If you don't hear the sound that you need, we can search further
for the sound you're looking for or use your recommended talent.
~ Voice auditions are typically returned within 24 hours.
~ Rates vary from $100 to $1300 or more per :30.
~ Contact us to obtain bids and auditions.
~ Voice talent? Seeking children and bilingual/spanish talent.
~ Submit demos to
~ Voice talent typically audition and bid for jobs before
any money is exchanged, regardless of agency.
~ Auditions are generally a few lines from the job script.
~ Once an audition is approved, the talent is "hired".
~ Depending on the job and/or talent, prepayment or
a deposit may be required.
~ Pickup lines from the initial script are typically
included in the voice over fee. Pickup lines usually
change inflection or emphasis, but not words.
~ Pickup lines that have word changes are usually done
at an additional charge.
~ Some talent agencies will charge $125 or more per
pickup line session.
~ Another BiG Production charges $75.
~ Avoid pickup line charges!
~ See our Effective Copywriting Page for help on
getting it right the first time.
Voice Actors