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4695 S Monaco Pkwy | Denver, CO 80224
877-457-STUDIO | info@anotherBiGproduction.com
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Writing Effective Copy
Seven Deadly Sins of Radio Advertising:
Written by Dan O'Day
1. Failure to attract the listeners attention
~ Listeners decide whether or not to tune out within
the first 3 seconds (about 9 words).
2. Failure to appeal to the listeners self interest
~ Ask "What does this mean for the consumer?"
~ Be able to distinguish between features and benefits.
For example, a Dodge Hemi is a feature; being able
to tow 10 tons is a benefit. Translation: A guy
doesn't buy a Dodge Hemi; he buys the ability to tow
10 tons.
3. Failure to use words that paint pictures
~ You should "see" the audio for which you are writing.
~ Invest in a thesaurus. There are literally thousands of
words to describe things. Keep it simple but unique,
and always poignant.
4. Being so clever or creative that you fail to sell
~ The point of the commercial is to have the listener
recall the advertiser and/or the advertiser's offer.
~ Too many sound effects, a joke that's "too good",
even some other unique elements may demand too
much of the listener's attention. Simplicity is bliss.
5. Failure to give a listener a reason to act
~ You know the six "W's": Who, what, where, when,
how and why. The last "W" is often the most
overlooked, even though it's probably the most
6. Having copy that is filled with cliches
~ See the list of "Do-Not-Use-Cliches" to the right.
7. Having way too much copy!
~ There is nothing worse than a commercial that has to
be read at a hyper speed just to fit everything in.
~ Check for meaningless phrases and discard them.
~ If it doesn't have to be said, don't say it.
Commerical Cliches
The "Do-Not-Use" Commercial Copy Babble
Going on now!
Now is the time!
This won’t last long!
Service second to none!
Savings throughout the store!
The sale you’ve been waiting for!
It's midsummer madness time!
It's bargain time!
Its clearance time!
Storewide savings!
It’s happening now!
We service what we sell!
Our friendly, knowledgeable staff…
Conveniently located at… - And what's more...
Hurry on down! - Not to mention… - Operators standing by!
But wait there's more! - Tell them you heard it here and get a discount!
That’s right! - The fine folks at… - Stop by today! - Prices too low to mention!
Everything is marked down! -
Fine dining experience! - Come see your friends at…
We've built our reputation on… - You're going to love the… - Save, save, save
Much, much, more - And that’s not all! -
Call 555-9876! That’s 555-9876!
Your one stop shopping experience! -
Save like never before!
Hurry in for the best selection! - See you there! -
You heard me right!
The time is now! - Quality service! -
Everyday low prices!
Call now for a free estimate! -
A family owned business for…years!
You owe it to yourself to… - Do yourself a favor…
Be there! - Dial… - There's never been a better time to…
New and improved! - Open seven days!
When it comes to...we’re the best!