Digital Marketing Solutions
4695 S Monaco Pkwy | Denver, CO 80224
877-457-STUDIO | info@anotherBiGproduction.com
Copyright © 2010 Another Big Production, LLC. All Rights Reserved

Corporate Video
Corporate Videos For All Businesses
Corporate videos are an excellent sales tool which can also help to market businesses on YouTube, Facebook and other video friendly marketing forums.
Millions of internet users search YouTube everyday looking for immediate answers. By having your video show up first in the related search results, you can attract an enormous amount of business for no more than the cost to produce the video.
Another BiG Production has a creative team of experienced professionals that can assemble an impressive, national television quality corporate video at a reasonable rate for companies worldwide.
Our Corporate Video Production Services Are Done One of Two Ways:
~ Using stock footage from enormous libraries of
scenes and still shots along with your logos,
pictures and any available video; we can build a
national television quality corporate video that will
attract business and increase sales.
~ The second option includes all elements of
the first, except that in addition, we will send
a professional production crew to your business or
relatable site, find and hire any necessary actors,
voice talent, props and more; creating a truly
customized corporate video.
~ Both options include storyboarding, copywriting,
editing, motion graphics, voiceover, finalizing and exporting to your desired specifications.
~ Requiring your approval at each step in the entire
process, means you're guaranteed to be
satisfied with every aspect of your video.
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